Functional Differences Between SSAS and AtScale

The following sections describe differences in the ways models appear and behave in SSAS vs. AtScale.

Table Visual


  1. The table visual will display every member by default. Dimensional filters applied in the same dimension appears to apply, but other filters do not.
  2. When other hierarchies are added to the visual, then only combinations that have data in any of the measure groups are displayed.
  3. Measure filters are applied.

In AtScale, when query.factless.ignoreIncidentalFilter=true (ignoreIncidentalFilter for short, see About Factless Queries):

  1. All members are displayed regardless of dimensional filtering.
  2. Steps 2 and 3 for SSAS work the same way in AtScale.

In AtScale, when ignoreIncidentalFilter=false:

  1. Dimensional filters always apply if they are related (when they connect to the same fact tables).
  2. Steps 2 and 3 for SSAS work the same way in AtScale.

Matrix (and related) Visuals


  1. When only rows or only columns are used, the Table visual behavior is applied.
  2. When rows and columns are used, then the same behavior as a Table with multiple hierarchies selected is applied.
  3. Measure filters always apply.

In AtScale:

  1. When only rows or only columns are used, the Table visual behavior is applied (for both ignoreIncidentalFilter settings).
  2. When rows and columns are used, the rows are limited to ones that have data relative to the columns, just as they are in SSAS. However, every column member is displayed.
  3. Steps 2 and 3 for SSAS work the same way in AtScale.