Data Warehouse Preparation

Complete the following data warehouse configuration steps before connecting AtScale to your data warehouse.


You may have to tune your data warehouse size to satisfy the performance requirements specific to your work load.

About this Task

The following procedure uses terminology common to security managers. You may have to translate the permissions referenced below to your specific security infrastructure. See Table 1 for guidelines on how sql security manager permissions map to SQL and file system ACL permissions.

Table 1. Guidelines of Mapping Common Security Manager Permissions to SQL and ACL Permissions

Security Manager PermissionSQL PermissionACL Permission

You should consult with your data warehouse vendor's documentation on the exact permissions required to implement the equivalent permissions listed in Table 1.

Preparing your Data Warehouse

Follow this procedure to prepare your data warehouse for working with AtScale. When creating permissions, use Table 1 and your vendor's security manager documentation to determine the equivalent permission for your platform.

  1. Create the atscale data warehouse service account user. Optionally, set a password for this user.
  2. Create the AtScale aggregate schema. AtScale writes aggregate tables to this schema.
  3. Grant the 'SELECT, UPDATE, CREATE, DROP' permissions (see Table 1) on the AtScale aggregate schema to the atscale service account user. BI Tool user accounts should not have the SELECT permission on this schema.
  4. Grant the SELECT permission on your source data to the atscale service account user.
  5. If using Impersonation, grant the select permission on your source data to your Business Intelligence Tool users.