Working with Perspectives

The following sections describe how to add, edit, and delete perspectives.

Adding Perspectives

You add perspectives to a model by defining the perspectives property in the model's underlying SML. For more information, see Models.

Note: AtScale recommends that you add perspectives after a model has been fully tested. Although you can edit a model after adding perspectives, any changes might require you to update the perspectives to hide new objects that would otherwise be visible to all users.

Editing Perspectives

You can edit a perspective in a model by editing the perspectives property in the model's underlying SML.

Be aware that changes you make to a perspective are not available to BI tool users until you redeploy the model it belongs to. Currently-deployed perspectives are not automatically updated with your changes.

Additionally, if you edit the model the perspective belongs to, be sure to add any new objects to the perspective as needed, then redeploy the catalog.

BI tool users querying previously-deployed versions of the perspective must either connect to the newly-deployed version or refresh their connection to it, depending on the tool they are using. Otherwise, they will receive errors if their queries refer to items that are newly hidden, and they will not be able to run queries that refer to items that are newly visible.

Deleting Perspectives

To delete a perspective, remove it from the model's underlying SML.

Note: Deleting a perspective from a model does not remove any deployed versions of the perspective. To remove those, you must redeploy the catalog that the perspective was located in.