Migration Considerations

Carefully read this information before migrating AtScale to the corresponding release.


Aggregate Rebuild on Upgrade Warning for IRIS Data Warehouses

If you use InterSystems IRIS, aggregate tables will be rebuilt when you upgrade from C2024.1.1 to C2024.7.0 or later. You should plan your upgrade so that the system has time to rebuild the affected aggregates outside of business operations.

If you want to perform the upgrade without immediately rebuilding the aggregates, do the following:

  1. Before upgrading, set the custom engine setting aggregate.maintenance.job.invalid-physical-plans.enabled = False and restart the engine.
  2. Perform the upgrade.
  3. When you are ready to rebuild aggregates after the upgrade, set aggregate.maintenance.job.invalid-physical-plans.enabled = True and restart the engine.


Upgrading to containerized AtScale from an installer-based version

Offering a new micro-service architecture, optional code-first development (SML), and source control integration, containerized AtScale (Cxxxx.x.x) is a major step forward for customers. If you currently use an installer-based version of AtScale (xxxx.x.x or Ixxxx.x.x) and would like to upgrade to containerized, be aware that you must perform a full re-installation.

Also be aware that when upgrading, you need to migrate your existing projects and models to the AtScale Semantic Modeling Language (SML) and integrate with source control. For more information, see the following sections.

Migrating Projects To SML

When you upgrade to containerized AtScale from an installer version, you must migrate your existing projects and data models to SML. For migration assistance, contact your Account Executive.

SML was designed to fully migrate AtScale data models. In some cases, containerized AtScale will support a concept in SML, but the UI is under development. Examples include:

  • User defined aggregates (ATSCALE-16476)
  • Semi-additive measures (ATSCALE-19052)
  • Perspectives (ATSCALE-16473)
  • Drill-throughs (ATSCALE-16472)

For more information on SML, see the SML Reference.

Git Integration

Integration to source control offers customers:

  • Multi-developer experience
  • Robust CI/CD capabilities

Integrated source control also offers the opportunity to rethink how to manage modern development practices. An AtScale customer can continue to develop in much the same ways as they do in installer AtScale, but containerized AtScale requires Git integration (e.g. GitHub, GitLab).

For more information on Git integration, see Managing Git.

Organizations deprecated

Containerized AtScale introduces an enterprise grade Identity Broker into the stack to enhance access controls throughout the product. In lieu of artificial divisions (organizations), AtScale's roadmap is to manage access via RBAC rules. Design-time RBAC is managed at the source control level (e.g. Git) and runtime permissioning at the data model level.