Working With Aggregate Partitions

You can add system-defined aggregate partitions for models by modifying their underlying SML.

To create aggregate partitions for a model, edit the model file's underlying SML to include the partitions property. For more information, see Models.

Be sure to deploy the model afterwards.

Once a query containing the dimension levels that you specified as a partition has been executed on the deployed model, the AtScale engine determines whether to build a new system aggregate with the partition, based on the following:

  • If the estimated number of rows per partition meets or exceeds the threshold set in the engine setting AGGREGATES.CREATE.PARTITION.SYSTEMDEFINEDAGGREGATE.THRESHOLD.
  • If the estimated number of partitions in the aggregate table exceeds the threshold set in tables.create.partitions.maximumEstimatedNumberOfPartitions, the table is not partitioned. The default value is 800.