Configuring Permissions on Deployed Models

You can configure runtime permissions on deployed models and perspectives to control which users can access them from BI tools. These permissions can be set at the user or group level.

Note: By default, deployed catalogs and models are available to all users in the Everyone user group. You can change this behavior using the catalog.deployment.restriction.enabled engine setting. For more information, see Catalog Settings and Changing Engine Settings.

To set runtime permissions on a deployed model or perspective:

  1. In Design Center, click Deployed Catalogs in the main navigation bar. The Deployed Catalogs panel opens.

  2. Select the deployed catalog in the list, then click the Permissions tab.

  3. Edit the permissions for the deployed models and perspectives as needed. You can do any of the following:

    • Click + Permissions to add a new group of permissions.

    • Click the pencil icon next to a permission group name to edit it.

    • In the Scope section, select the specific permissions you want to set:

      • Create Table as Select (CTAS): Users can issue SELECT statements against the model and write the results back to the data warehouse as a new table. If you are using Google BigQuery, the tables are created directly in BigQuery.
      • Query: Users can issue SELECT statements against the model.
      • Discovery
    • In the Users and Groups section, select the individual users and groups you want to set these permissions for.

  4. Click Save.