Exporting and Importing System-Defined Aggregate Definitions

AtScale supports migrating system-defined aggregate definitions for models and catalogs from one system to another. Aggregate definitions may be exported to a file and then imported into a separate AtScale system where the same model has been published.

When migrating system-defined aggregates from one system to another, the following restrictions apply:

  • System-defined aggregates can only be moved between models with the same ModelID. The ModelID is an internal, globally unique identifier stored in the catalog export file. To migrate system-defined aggregate definitions from one system to another, the catalog must first be imported into the target system and then deployed.
  • Aggregate definitions are only portable between instances of AtScale that are of the same release version. System-defined aggregate definitions cannot be imported to AtScale versions that are older than the source system. Importing system-defined aggregates from older versions of AtScale to newer versions will likely work; however, backwards compatibility is not guaranteed.
  • Aggregate definitions that already exist in the target system will not fail the import operation. However, they will be ignored by the importer and reported back to the user as duplicates.

Note: User-defined aggregates (UDAs) are part of the catalog definition. UDA definitions are included with the catalog export and import functionality and are not included in system-defined export files.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that your target system (the one you want to import aggregate definitions to) is the same or later version of AtScale as the source system. For best results, the two systems should be the same version.
  • Ensure that your source and target systems have the same deployed model definition. Exporting, importing, and deploying your catalog in the target system ensures that you have the correct ModelID, model version, and UDAs deployed to your target engine.

Export Procedure

After your source system has the desired set of aggregates defined for a deployed catalog, you can export them via the AtScale API. For more information, see Managing AtScale APIs.

Import Procedure

Note: Importing system-defined aggregate definitions immediately queues the aggregates for building. Users who wish to avoid adding the additional aggregate build load to the data warehouse during busy times may wish to perform the import during off-peak hours.

A system-defined aggregate definition export file may be imported to another system via the AtScale API. For more information, see Managing AtScale APIs.

Once the aggregate definitions have been imported, they are immediately queued for instance creation. You can view the build status from the Aggregates page.