Accessing the AtScale API

AtScale provides a public API that can be used to perform such tasks as managing aggregate schedules and triggering aggregate builds. Access to the API can be managed within Design Center and the Identity Broker.

Generating API Tokens

Before you can use the AtScale API, you need to generate an API token in Design Center:

  1. In Design Center, click the profile icon in the top-right corner of the page. The Account panel opens.
  2. In the API Token section, click the generate token button.
  3. Click the copy button to copy the token.

The token is valid for 90 days after generation. Once it expires, you can generate a new one if needed.

Revoking API Tokens

If you need to revoke an API token for a user, you can do so via the Identity Broker.

  1. Log in to AtScale as an admin user.
  2. Open the main menu and select Security. The Identity Broker opens.
  3. In the main navigation, click Sessions. The Sessions page opens.
  4. Search for the user whose token you need to revoke.
  5. Locate the session that contains the atscale-public-api client, click its context menu, and select Sign out.

The token is revoked and can no longer be used to access the API. If needed, the user in question can generate a new one as described above.